On 08/04/2021 22:51, Richmond wrote:
> Is it possible to use a local computer (L) to: ssh -Y to a remote
> computer (R), run a web browser on R which will then display on
> L, choose what to watch on Netflix, and then having started it, move the
> displayed browser window back to the X window on R, and then move
> it across to the television attached to the VGA port on R?
Not extactly, but this might work as an alternative. You will probably
want to use something like X11VNC
(https://packages.debian.org/buster/x11vnc). Unlike the standard VNC
server (which starts a separate display), X11VNC is designed for sharing
a real display.

The way this would work is that you start by SSHing to R. But you don't
need to forward X this time, just create a tunnel to port 5900 (the VNC
port): ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 root@remote-host

Leave that SSH tunnel open and start a VNC client on L (running
"aptitude search '~Pvnc-viewer'" offers some options there). Connect the
VNC client to "localhost:5900". This is port 5900 on L, but the SSH
tunnel will pipe that through to port 5900 on R and you should be able
to see what's on screen on R.

Et voila, as they say in France, you now have a remote control of the
screen on R.

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