On Thursday 22 April 2021 15:14:29 Thomas Schmitt wrote:

> Hi,
> i wrote:
> > > Can you tell the questions which you get asked and what you
> > > answered ?
> >
> > jigdo-lite filename.jigdo
> It would help if you quote the dialog literally, skipping lengthy
> messages but telling each question text and each of your inputs.
> Our list fellow Steve McIntyre, the maintainer of jigdo-lite, is quite
> surely busy with getting Debian ready for release day. So i plan to
> dig in jigdo-lite's source code and make tests by help of the info you
> provide.
> > >  
> > > https://wiki.debian.org/JigdoOnLive#Download_one_or_more_Jigdo_ISO
> > >s
> >
> > That page IS helpfull, but the one I landed on originally wasn't.
> Note that in my tests for that page in 2018 i ran
>   jigdo-lite
> without any argument.
> (If your jigdo-lite is old, then it needs help with the imodern https:
> URLs, as described in
> https://wiki.debian.org/JigdoOnLive#If_needed.2C_work_around_a_shortco
>ming_of_older_jigdo-lite )
> > it wasted at least 10 minutes banging on carroll.something.edu with
> > no response.
> It would be interesting to see how your actual program run and your
> actual input led to carroll.aset.psu.edu.
> I cannot find "psu" in
>   https://www.debian.org/mirror/list
> In 2011 carroll.cac.psu.edu seems to have hosted a xorriso RPM of
> Madriva. But Google finds me no traces of xorriso .deb packages on
> psu.edu.
> > > Have a nice day :)
> >
> > I'll reserve that for if and when its done and I can write a dvd.
> Looking forward to the DVD stage. :))
It boots. But I'm not ready to crawl under that desk and unplug all the 
other drives while I do the install until I can pull in TDE as soon as 
the install is done, then plug in this drive back in and copy over my 
~/bin directory so email is then fully automated. All so I have a 
familiar email client. And I've a bunch of stuff in my AppImages 
directory that might still work. Continuity is the word. That means 
adequate prep.
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas
You too Thomas.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
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