On 4/22/21, Richmond <richm...@criptext.com> wrote:
> When I resume from suspend there is no networking. I cannot find a way
> to restart it. I tried these various commands.
> systemctl restart network
> /etc/init.d/networking restart
> systemctl reset-failed
> systemctl restart networking.service
> systemctl restart network-online.target
> systemctl restart network-manager.service
> systemctl start network-manager.service
> systemctl stop network-manager.service
> lshw says:
>  description: Ethernet interface
>  product: 88E8071 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller
>  vendor: Marvell Technology Group Ltd.
> What can I do?

Questions where answers might help come to mind. Primarily, has this
always occurred, or did it just start up in the last couple days?

I'm on a new old secondhand laptop today. Just started using it
yesterday. It's doing similar, but I can trigger it back on via
"wicd-curses". A quick CTRL+R (refresh) for no particular reason and
then CTRL+C (connect), and I'm back up and running.

WHEN it happens again, I'm going to try to remember to try your
various commands to see if I receive similar results. I'm going to
copy those right now so they're available offline when it's time.

A PS to this is that a couple of us were having a reconnect problem a
while back. Mine would just suddenly stop and then refuse to
reconnect. Always took a reboot (and sometimes 2) before it would
start working again.

PPS What's your eth0 being called? Mine's a moving target depending on
which (older) laptop I'm using. I've used 4 different names in the
last two weeks.

Two of those renames were the long version that Users also see for
wireless dongles. That was appropriate because I was using two
different ethernet to USB port adapters. Those long values are tied to
the specific products we're using.

The other two values now flip between "enp1s0" and "eno1". Those are
both for internal (onboard) ports. So far, it appears to be that those
stay specific to two different laptops. I like that eno1 one. I STILL
can't confidently remember that other naming pattern every time it
comes up.

Those values are entered under Preferences in the wicd-curses
interface. I had a problem earlier today where it wouldn't connect
back up. I had just learned that /etc/wicd/manager-settings.conf is
relevant so I peeked at it.

That value was wrong. It didn't refresh after I used the terminal
interface. I changed it, and mine connected back up by itself as fast
as that changed file was saved.

Which brings me to ANOTHER observation through all of this. Sometimes
sitting here counting to 10 or 15 seconds helps after clicking once to

That was an accidental find, a "patience pays" kind of deal. I'm
presuming that Users having similar experiences may be doing the same
thing I did.

My old method was to keep repeatedly clicking a reconnect button every
couple of seconds then finally close the program in frustration. These
last few days, just sitting here staring at the screen while counting
seconds gives it time to churn out a successful connection.

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with birdseed *

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