Just a data point - I'd been using nvidia cards for years.

Onmy current workstation, a Dell XPS 8930, the nvidia binary blob worked well, unless and until I booted a kernel other than the straight vanilla from the distro. After upgrading to the low latency kernel, it was goodbye GUI. So I reverted to the nouveau drivers, which worked fairly well for normal activities, and even games like openarena, but crashed immediately if I tried launch the game known as Beyond a Steel Sky.

So, caught between a rock and a hard place, I removed my nvidia geforce 1660 TI and replaced it with a radeon rx 560, since the default amdgpu drivers were more capable and performant than the nouveau, and less restrictive than the nvidia binary blob.

Personally, I'm not really into nvidia video these days. The default intel video is fine for normal desktop activities, and amd is my goto for extra performance.


On 4/23/21 9:31 AM, Malte Marwedel wrote:
Has anyone experience with Nvidia cards without closed source drivers and newer kernels? Recently my AMD card died, so I got a fast replacement from a friend - a GeForce GTX 660. With the kernel 5.5.9, the PC stops booting after GRUB. The kernel tries to set the resolution of the console and stops. X is not even attempting to start.
Therefore I checked different kernels:
5.11.16: Not working
5.5.9: Not working
5.4.114:  Working, X is starting and I even have some 3D acceleration (kicad 3D view, Extreme tux racer, however Civilization 6 is crashing the system).
5.2.9: Working.

With the working kernels, I however see the following error:
Nvidiafb: cannot requests PCI regions
But the system continues to work. So I tried to compile 5.11.16 without this module - no change compared to 5.5.9.

Any Ideas? I don't want to install the closed source module, I had enough pain with fglrx ~10 years ago.

"It's always rewarding to talk to a clever man" - Raskolnikov, "Crime and 

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