> What you lose this way (besides time) is having apt calculate
> which supporting packages you need. However,

> https://packages.debian.org

> will happily tell you all the dependencies of any given package,
> and then you can get all the dependencies of each of those, and
> so on.

 yes, and "japt" would scrape those pages or even simulate apt to
figure out all dependencies and then download all the packages you
need to install locally, off line.
> You can compile your own kernel with no hardware network
> drivers.

 Yes, you can! (tm), but imagine, just imagine, as JOhn Lennon sang,
that networking would be taken out of the kernel! At times it amazes
me to discuss with you such issues here. What is the point of using
security based on IP tables when the active code/js bs is used to even
probe the keyboard for the passwords you use in case you use the same
one in your off line and on line machines? They have been using js
injection even as part of general societal AI bots.
> HURD is a microkernel whereby the kernel only provides the most basic
> services and almost all device drivers are implemented in user space.




 Thanks and networking doesn't seem to have been taken out of the
kernel in HURD. My only question would be would HURD make it easier
somehow? It would be a project to definitely look into.


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