Did you adjust the volume of output 3 and 4 in alsa? if you are lucky, the routing is correct and these outputs are only muted.

But I think (no pun intended) that in your present case, you need to learn about:
- mixing and mastering (partcularly routing)
- particular abilites or limitations of your Behringer interface
- linux low-level tools if that is what you want to use
That's why I suggested you to use GUI tools, because, while perhaps sometimes bloated or in certains cases not offering certains options that a CLI tool proposes sometimes, GUI tools are more intuitive. And it's easier to learn only mixing/mastering than mixing/mastering and linux audio internals at the same time.

As a starting point a tutorial about audio routing could be of use to activate outputs 3&4 and chose what to feed them in (sorry if this is not a correct sentence, I'm french). There is the routing chapter of Ardour tutorial:
but the whole tutorial could be of interest


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