On 30/4/21 10:12 am, Martin McCormick wrote:
I have a Windows box that has software on it which programs
two-way radios and it would be nice to know what the radio and
computer are saying to each other.

        After trying a Windows application that reportedly can
capture serial port traffic, I find that it doesn't appear to
work with usb ports and unix/linux is my preferred world anyway
so is there any sort of hardware that would pass through a USB
connection from the Windows box to the radio and let me siphon
off the traffic to a linux system and log it?

        The Windows app I tried to use has been around for a
decade or more and probably works well with RS-232 ports but the
traffic I need to grab comes from a usb device that creates
/dev/ttyACM0 if plugged in to a Linux box and comm2 on the
Windows system

        When I tried it today, it did nothing but complain that
it was not connected.  It finally dawned on me that it probably
sees no serial ports at all as it is supposed to automatically
find and log all port I/O and this is a relatively new HP
Pavilion desktop computer which has no native RS-232 ports or
parallel ports on it and, even if it did, the connection from the
radio to the usb port is a usb plug with the usb hardware in it
and a cable that plugs in to the radio that would most likely
not be practical to tap.

        Thanks for any good thoughts.

        Martin  WB5AGZ

Wireshark. https://www.wireshark.org/


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