On Thu, Apr 29 2021 at 06:57:02 PM, Linux-Fan <ma_sys...@web.de> wrote:
> Michael Grant writes:
>> I saw in the last 6 months a daemon that let you get oauth tokens on
>> linux and then it refereshed the token indefinitely until told to
>> stop.  Essentially making the token available on linux so you could
>> use it in another program that requied a password, for example
>> fetchmail or getmail.
>> I've tried to find it but I'm turning up nothing.  I'm pretty sure I
>> didn't imagine it!  Does anyone recall the name?  This could
>> definitely be helpful for fetching mail from an account with oauth
>> setup.
> I do not know about a daemon, but `oathtool` (package `oathtool`) does a
> fine job for TOTP based tokens here. Usage:
>       $ oathtool --base32 JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
>       282760
> Of course, you will need to get the Base32 secret from somewhere. It can
> often be accessed from the screens that tell you to scan a QR code with an
> authenticator app if you press something like "I cannot scan the code" or
> such.

oauth is not the same as oath


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