Joe wrote:

> There is nothing 'religious' about assuming that many private businesses
> will take every opportunity to make money from you in ways that you
> would not permit if you were given the choice. What is the purpose of
> 'free' social media, after all? What about the written guarantee cards
> provided with products since the early twentieth century, to be
> returned to obtain some small additional benefit? What were they if not
> the gathering of low-level purchasing information to assist future
> marketing? We *know* that's the kind of thing businesses do. We should
> expect them to use all possibly technological assistance to do it more
> and better. And we can certainly expect our rulers to spy on us
> whenever possible.

Assumption is not evidence, but if you are intelligent enough, you would
take precautions to make this assumption obsolete. It means you still do
not know if this is true or not, but you take measures in case it is true.

For me personally I know for sure that I will never get a TV or one of the
normal smart phones. Even with linux and whatever kind of precautions you
never trust that.

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