On Mon, 3 May 2021 21:03:51 +0100
Brian <a...@cityscape.co.uk> wrote:

> On Mon 03 May 2021 at 15:47:07 -0400, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > > It doesn't seem sensible to put a cell-connection into each TV
> > > when they're all immobile. OTOH cars and pets go places.
> > >
> > > And is 20GB of data per day a "reasonable usage" on a mobile data
> > > plan? Whereas 1TB per month on a fixed line is quite normal.  
> > 
> > These arguments seem stuck in the present.
> > 
> > After all we already have "stationary cell phone" services to
> > replace land-line phone services and I think most "phone" companies
> > would be looking forward to a future where there's no "last mile"
> > any more, there are only cell towers instead.  
> Never a truer word and obviously based on great insight.
> Will this impact on Debian users and the problems they face?

It may well do. Spyware through your own network can be somewhat
mitigated by firewalling, but not if the offending device has its own
Net connection.

And we've already seen the suggestion of disabling such a connection,
which will work until the device is deliberately designed not to work
if it can't phone home, or one's government makes it illegal to
disconnect it.


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