On Thu, May 06, 2021 at 11:02:01AM -0400, Steve Dondley wrote:
> I have a stock apache2 server installed with apt-get. There is supposedly a
> perl script for getting machine-readable output of the apache status:
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/programs/log_server_status.html
> However, I can't find this script anywhere on my Debian Buster install and a
> package search turns up nothing except the documentation page I linked to
> above.
> How do I get and install this script?

Looks like the Debian maintainer(s) of apache2 decided not to include


So, I guess you would download an upstream Apache source tarball, extract
it, and copy the log_server_status script out of the extracted tarball
and into /usr/local/bin.  Or wherever you want it.

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