On Sat, 8 May 2021 17:18:35 -0400
Dan Ritter <d...@randomstring.org> wrote:

> Bret Busby wrote: 
> > 
> > I think this goes to the issue of client side processing, as opposed to
> > server side processing ( I believe, and, argue, that all processing involved
> > with web sites, should be server side, if the web sites are competently and
> > benignly written, and that client side processing, is malignant), and I
> > suggest that it could be worth viewing the source code of the web site(s)
> > responsible for the problem.
> There are some reasonable cases for client-side computing. It's
> certainly badly overused.
> > have a problem, could be in the use of plugins in firefox - some
> > particularly malicious web sites put up quite aggressive fights against ad
> > blocking and tracking blocking plugins, and try to burn out computers of
> > users who object to ads and being tracked and who object to websites trying
> > to steal the users' identities and personal information.
> I've never encountered this -- please let me know some sample
> URLs whenever you have time. 


I'm not sure that I would interpret this sort of thing as the website
putting up an aggressive fight or deliberately trying to burn out
anyone's computer, but it is an annoyance that one sometimes encounters.


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