Nate Bargmann wrote:

> I've successfully used the current version of Libre Office in Testing to
> print mailing addresses on a #6 3/4 (US) envelope and so wanted to do
> the same with a #10 (US) envelope, and have had nothing but frustration
> for almost the past two hours.
> The Insert->Envelope dialog allows one to properly choose the #10
> envelope and the resulting document looks correct.  Then when opening
> the Print dialog the formatting becomes stuck on the C5 size.  Even
> resetting to #10 (or Com-10) results in the address blocks being placed
> too low on the envelope.  Tips from the 'Net have failed me.
> I even tried a static linked version of Open Office 3.3 I have installed
> and it has the same bug!  Obviously, this is long-standing bug and
> probably won't be fixed any time soon, certainly not in the Bullseye
> time frame.
> Are there other options?  Looking about I don't see any.  Even the
> online Google Docs does not appear to have any support for printing
> envelopes.  I understand most people do things online but there is still
> a reason to use snail mail and representing an organization, my
> handwriting is poor enough that it is better served via printing
> envelopes.

I use very often the Apaches OpenOffice 4.1.7 (version ATM) to print
envelopes. then as suggested I use the manual tray of the HP 420dn which I
have here to print it. It works OOB. Here is the process
1. select the page size Menu -> Format -> Page (Page Format -> Format #10)
2. Write the address
3. Set the manual tray (1) on the 420dn and insert the envelope
4. Print

What you describe looks like issue with margins and why are you trying
OpenOffice 3.3?! Even my version is already outdated

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