Felix Miata wrote:

> Why do I want smplayer? VLC is routinely trouble, like failing to play
> audio or video or both together in sync, or failing to find and offer the
> starting point automatically.
> ATM, VLC won't play audio, even though user is authorized in /etc/groups
> for audio, cdrom and video.


it is not clear which version of Debian you are using. Also there is
multimedia with far better quality.

I guess you needs specific fonts for being able to play videos with
subtitles and as developers do not know what everybody has installed they
build with specific font dependency that is free and can be used for that

Another options is that you are doing clean install and now catching up with
your environment. 

long time ago I gave up with Gnome and all the gnomes and later with KDE. I
stick to TDE and I use kplayer with mplayer
And I do not have either fonts-urw-base35 or imagemagick-common

I am not sure if this one liner is sufficient, but it shows that there are
no such dependencies in those

$ for p in $(apt-cache depends kplayer-trinity | awk '{print $2}'|
grep -v '<' | xargs); do echo $p; apt-cache depends $p; done | grep font
  Depends: libfontconfig1
  Depends: libfontconfig1
  Depends: fontconfig
  Depends: libfontconfig1

$ for p in $(apt-cache depends mplayer | awk '{print $2}'| grep -v '<' |
xargs); do echo $p; apt-cache depends $p; done | grep font
  Depends: libfontconfig1
  Depends: libfontconfig1
  Depends: fontconfig-config
  Depends: libfontconfig1
  Suggests: fontconfig
  Suggests: fonts-freefont-ttf

$ for p in $(apt-cache depends smplayer | awk '{print $2}'| grep -v '<' |
xargs); do echo $p; apt-cache depends $p; done | grep font
  Depends: fontconfig
  Depends: libfontconfig1
  Depends: libfontconfig1

$ for p in $(apt-cache depends mpv | awk '{print $2}'| grep -v '<' | xargs);
do echo $p; apt-cache depends $p; done | grep font
  Depends: libfontconfig1
  Depends: libfontconfig1
  Depends: libfontconfig1

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