On Fri, 21 May 2021 06:02:10 +0000
Bonno Bloksma <b.blok...@tio.nl> wrote:

> Hi Celejar,
> >>> Although everything works properly for actual (human) users, a 
> >>> coworker has informed me that some of his automated tests are 
> >>> failing with invalid https certificate errors.  I checked and, sure 
> >>> enough, it's not just his tests:
> > To elaborate on / add to this: there's also something called Authority 
> > Information Access (AIA), which allows the client to locate a missing 
> > intermediate certificate on its own:
> > https://www.thesslstore.com/blog/aia-fetching/
> Thanks for answering this post as full as you did. I did not know about
> AIA fetching and it now solves something I had noticed before but never
> found out why.
> Now I know. :-)

Hey, I had never heard of it either - I was just intrigued by the
puzzle the OP presented, so I dug around a bit ;)

> I understand finding the balance between a proper configured (web)
> server and trying to make users don't have problems with misconfigured
> servers. The same discussion has been going on with what a mail
> server/client should accept and try to interpret when the sender does
> not follow the proper rules.
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Bonno Bloksma
> senior systeembeheerder


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