On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 10:27:13AM +0200, Joaquín Rufo Gutierrez wrote:
> Hello, we need to package solanum, a new IRCD server.
> Git repository: https://github.com/solanum-ircd/solanum

When you say "we", do you mean "my coworkers and I", or do you really
mean "you all", meaning you would like someone else to package it?

If it's the former, you can get started on learning to create Debian
packages by following the New Maintainers' Guide, at
<https://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/>.  Once you've read that and
taken your first baby steps, if you need additional guidance, there's
an IRC channel named #packaging on OFTC which I'm told is a good place
to ask for help.  I've never been there myself.

If it's the latter, you might wish to state the request more explicitly,
so that people know what you actually want.  And... uh... good luck.

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