On Lu, 31 mai 21, 22:57:26, deloptes wrote:
> gnupg is the mother of all open source pgp stuff. In fact you must know that
> PGP is the commercial implementation of a standard for symetric encryption
> (I hope I am not wrong in my wording while citing from memory)

PGP supports asymmetric encryption as well (also known as public-key 
cryptography), otherwise it wouldn't be very usable for e-mail ;)


> Gnupg is the opensource equivalent of PGP and it is great :) command line
> utility and set of libraries that makes it possible to use encryption on
> numerous of devices. The application is called gpg.
> Kgpg is a front end to gnupg. Go to the home page of gpg and read, get
> familiar to it. It definitely needs understanding before using.

I'll have to disagree with the "great" here. In my (not so humble) 
opinion GnuPG's (the software) difficulty to use is one the reasons we 
still don't have encrypted, or at least signed email for everybody[1].

Getting public-key cryptography right is already difficult enough[2], it 
would be great if the tools wouldn't add another layer of difficulty on 

[1] signing all email by default could potentially make spam and 
phishing mostly go away
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/GnuPG/AirgappedMasterKey

Kind regards,

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