On Sat, 12 Jun 2021 20:33:19 +0200
Rasmus MK <ras...@mallio.se> wrote:

Hello Rasmus,

>Is it possible to search in the maintainer field with apt? If not, can

IDK if that's possible but....

>I lookup this information somewhere else?

...look up any package the maintainers deal with (profanity in this case)
at https://packages.debian.org

Select one of the repos (buster, jessie, etc. it doesn't matter)

On the page you're taken to on the right hand side of the screen is a
column "Links for {package name}".  Part way down is a section entitled
'Maintainers'.  In that section, click the link to 'QA Page' and you'll
be taken to the page with the info you're interested in.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
It's not your heart, it's your bank I want to break
It's Yer Money - Wonder Stuff

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