On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 09:45:40AM +0000, Long Wind wrote:
> i have erased buster to install stretchfirmware is set up by installer and it 
> works after installationif it isn't set up, then i'm unable set it up after 
> installation.
> PS: Thank Cater anyway!

Hi Long Wind,

Please don't do this: Stretch is Debian 9, Buster is Debian 10 and Bullseye
[Debian 11] is nearly here.

Stretch is oldstable - within two months from now, it will be oldoldstable. For
security's sake, you are better running at least Buster.

If you are still having problems with firmware, use the .iso file which
includes non-free firmware or install firmware-ralink yourself.

Relying on old software is a bad idea: especially since Stretch reached end
of life for full support this time last year and will be supported as LTS
until next year - https://wiki.debian.org/DebianReleases

Thank you for the thanks, by the way. I hope this helps.

With every good wish, as always,

Andrew Cater

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