On Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 03:13:00AM +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
> Funnily enough, given what you contend, before I commented out the colouring
> in stuff, when running ls -lh, directory names were displayed in blue text,
> and, after I commented out the colouring in stuff, running ls -lh, the
> output was all displayed in black text.

OK, I made a slightly oversimplified statement.

MOST of the code in that excerpt goes into setting the shell's prompt.
There are also some aliases at the end, one of those being an alias
for ls, setting it up to use --color=auto.

So, the code that you posted affects two things:

1) Bash's shell prompt, which may or may not include color escape

2) Various aliases that change the default behavior of some commands
   (by adding options to what you type), including ls, which may cause
   ls to emit color escape sequences.

In all cases, the behavior of the terminal in response to these color
escape sequences is defined by the terminal itself, and may or may not
be user-configurable.

Nothing in .bashrc affects the terminal's behavior.  Only the terminal's
configuration affects that.

.bashrc controls the behavior of bash, not of the terminal.

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