
On Fri, 25 Jun 2021 08:44:58 +0200
"Thomas Schmitt" <scdbac...@gmx.net> wrote:

> > But maybe this is to be expected when cdrskin runs with the
> > modesty_on_drive=... option?
> Yes. That option causes frequent inquiry of the drive's buffer status.
> At the time of above READ BUFFER CAPACITY command the free buffer
> capacity was 0x041000 = 266240 bytes. That's about 77.5 percent fill of
> the 0x120000 = 1,179,648 buffer bytes.
> So the buffer really does not get filled completely. In the log which
> you sent me, the error ocured after 28.8 seconds of libburn run time.
> At the time of above command, libburn was running for 26.803073 seconds.
> (What number is to see in the microsecond timestamp []-brackets of the
> failed WRITE(10) command ? Is it around 28 million ?)

looking through my collection of log files these timestamps range from
[ 25381890 ] to [ 29665146 ], with or without modesty_on_drive=... does
not seem to make much of a difference. Maybe the time it takes for the
drive to become ready after closing the tray can account for this 4

> So it looks more like the actual burn start brings the drive firmware to
> reporting its self-invented (or "vendor specific") error code.
> I would next point to the power supply situation, if it was an external
> drive which gets its power via the USB cable. In that case the theory
> would be that the laser beam uses too much electricty so that the
> firmware processor gets a hick-up.

It's an internal drive, so the power supply seems to me like an unlikely

> But as it appears now, the drive is just mad and unreliable.
> I'm crossing fingers that your next one will have a long and happy life.

Thanks :-)
And maybe the firmware programmers of the next drive were less
creative :-)

If someone here can report about experience (good or bad) with specific
make and models (still not sure whether the next drive will be a DVD- or
BD-writer), it would be welcome...

Thanks again, and have a nice day :)


.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

When dreams become more important than reality, you give up travel,
building, creating; you even forget how to repair the machines left
behind by your ancestors.  You just sit living and reliving other lives
left behind in the thought records.
                -- Vina, "The Menagerie" ("The Cage"), stardate unknown

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