On 6/24/21, didier gaumet <didier.gau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Grub can ignore all or only certain OSes that os-prober detects by
> setting up the desired behaviour in /etc/default/grub
> from the grub info page:
> [...]"
>      Normally, 'grub-mkconfig' will try to use the external 'os-prober'
>      program, if installed, to discover other operating systems
>      installed on the same system and generate appropriate menu entries
>      for them.  Set this option to 'true' to disable this.
>      List of space-separated FS UUIDs of filesystems to be ignored from
>      os-prober output.  For efi chainloaders it's <UUID>@<EFI FILE>
> "[...]

This is basically just noise, but, ooohhh, that sounds NICE.... and
HANDY. I'm wondering how many other tricks like that exist that never
see the light of day. In a perfect World, maybe someone with deep
knowledge of those features could approach Debian-Publicity about
submitting e.g. "Hey, Did You Know You Can...." tips that are included
in their newsletters and updates?

Speaking as someone with cognitive issues such that I operate as a
perennial newbie, it would surely help if someone could point GRUB
Users to what that "<EFI FILE>" is referencing.

For now, it just sounds like part of the fancier loading needs that
are occasionally discussed here on Debian-User. My thought process is
that maybe hearing it further described will trigger a fellow lurker's
interest in learning more about how their Debian works right from the
boot beginning.

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with birdseed *

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