On 2021-07-10 at 21:30, Geoff wrote:

> The Wanderer wrote:
>> (Warning, this is fairly long, and the situation involved includes
>> a fair number of potentially-moving pieces.)
>> I've recently built a new computer, installed Debian, configured it
>> to largely match my previous setup, and migrated my data across.
>> Now, I'm trying to take advantage of one of the hardware
>> improvements over the system I migrated away from: a newer,
>> better-performing GPU. In particular, I want to run software which
>> makes use of the Vulkan API for improved graphics performance.
> I have an nvidia card but afaik the AMD driver is part of the kernel,
> what kernel version are you running? If your on stable and haven't
> already try getting a kernel from backports.

I think you're referring to the 'amdgpu' driver, correct?

As I indicated in my original post, that driver is already in use, and
in fact I already have (what appears to be) 3D acceleration via OpenGL.
It's just Vulkan that doesn't seem to see the card.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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