On Tue, Jul 20, 2021 at 01:38:12PM -0700, Weaver wrote:
> On 21-07-2021 06:17, Christian Britz wrote:
> > On 20.07.21 19:58 Greg Wooledge wrote:
> >> You probably have a desktop environment installed which Depends: on
> >> a web browser.  So, when you uninstall one, it falls back to a different
> >> one, in order to satisfy this dependency.
> >>
> >> If firefox-esr is currently installed, then you can ask aptitude what's
> >> keeping it here:
> >>
> >> aptitude why firefox-esr

> > In my case it is meta package gnome-core. It is a pity that it doesn't
> > have an alternative dependency on www-browser, this would be satisfied
> > by google-chrome-stable, which I prefer over chromium.

Yeah, that is... odd.

Even more odd, there's a 9-year-old bug open for it (sort of):


> There are plenty of others, quite stable.
> Falkon is as quick as any of them, if you're happy to work around [...]

The issue isn't that a given web browser is well- or ill-suited, but
rather that the Debian package named "gnome-core" has the following
hard-coded dependency:

unicorn:~$ apt-cache show gnome-core | grep firefox
Depends: [...] firefox-esr (>= 78) | firefox (>= 78) | chromium | 
chromium-browser | epiphany-browser, [...]

In other words, it only accepts the browsers specifically stated in that
list, and will not permit you to substitute any other.

I'm not even sure whether you can hack around it using equivs.  I know
that works for virtual packages like www-browser or mail-transport-agent
but I don't know whether it can be made to lie about having one of those
five specific packages installed.

Of course, the most obvious answer is "just install firefox-esr, even if
you don't use it".  (Well, second most obvious, after "purge gnome-core".)

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