On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 05:49:31PM +0300, Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> Please tell & explain which update types there are like
> Point release

Debian has major release versions. The Debian stable version today (20210727)
is Debian 10 - codename Buster.

Roughly about every three months/quarter of a year, Debian will publish a
point release. This is genrally a round up of all the bug fixes and security 
fixes since the last point release. If you are keeping your machine up to 
date, then generally a point release will mean very little.

Generally, there will be a bump to the base-files version and an increment on
/etc/debian-version. So: Buster released with version 10.0 - with point 
releases, it's now up to 10.10.

> Release

Major release. Strictly, Debian has several releases in play at any one

There is a section called Experimental which has a few packages but is not
really a release - it's a staging area for experimental packages. Almost 
certainly for developers only or people on the very bleeding edge.

There is always a subset of Debian that is Unstable - codename Sid.

There's a release that is Testing - currently Bullseye - which will be 
Debian 11 when released.Under normal circumstances, packages would percolate
from Unstable to Testing, but at the moment Testing is frozen for release
when it's ready.

There's the stable branch: Currently Buster - Debian 10.10.

There's oldstable - Debian 9 - and oldoldstable - Debian 8 under support
as either LTS or ELTS.

> Update

Packages update fairly regularly - security and other fixes. Run apt update
apt upgrade and you'll get them.

> New distro release etc/similar.

Releases tend to spend two years in testing and then have about a five year
lifespan. If Bullseye gets released as Debian 11 on or about August 14th 2021
as planned - it will be the new stable, Buster will become oldstable, Stretch
will become oldoldstable.

The release after Bullseye will be called Bookworm. The release after that 
will be called Trixie. Debian codenames for releases are traditionally Toy
Story character names.

There's a whole lot more on this in wiki.debian.org / www.debian.org /
Wikipedia or the Debian Handbook https://debian.handbook.info (or available
as a Debian package debian-handbook).

> Geg

All best, 

Andy Cater

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