On 2021-07-27 12:53 PM, Brian wrote:
On Tue 27 Jul 2021 at 11:55:32 -0600, Jupiter777 wrote:

On 2021-07-27 06:10 AM, Peter Ehlert wrote:

On 7/27/21 12:14 AM, Jupiter777 wrote:


I am in the middle of installing buster 10.10.x on my computer.

I see that I can take screenshots as the dialog boxes tell me:

   Screenshot Saved as /var/log/<filename>

But /var/log is not on the bootable  usb I am using ...

Where are the screenshots?  I like to  use them for troubleshooting?

short answer: If you complete the installation, the screenshots can also
be found in the directory /var/log/installer/ (after the reboot into the
installed system).

long answer:


no, I can not complete the installation  either because of
what I do or what I don't know (how to do) ...

I was hoping screenshots debian installation advertises
may be something I can use to (a) research the problem on my own
or (b) share it with folks here to get help.

You are obviously trying to help yourself. That is good. Please say
at what stage the installation fails and what you see on the screen

. . . the issue was that I got caught in a seemingly
loop during encryption/lvm portion of partitioning section
of the install! I guess what made it a bit annoying
was that the loop had no exit sign ;-)

here is the sketchy version of the story:

... in Advanced->GUI Expert Install  ....

in partitioning section.... one is presented with :

Guided: largest contiguous ....

Guided: entire disk (3 of these)


The 'entire disk' ones would not work for me
as I did not want to destroy the other OS.

The aforementioned loop-with-no-exit occurred in the Manual method.

it *did not* happen in 'Guided: largest contiguous ....'  and
I finished the install!

so loop-with-no-exit went like:

-- installer recognized the disk, OK

-- did the 1gb /boot ext2 non-encrypted configured , OK   /dev/sda7

-- 150gb partition, planned to be / with everything in it,
   recognized by installer, OK  /dev/sda6

-- configured /dev/sda6 to be / and mount-point /  too , OK

-- went inside the lvm config/manager ....

-- added volume group vg1 off of /dev/sda6 , OK

-- added logical volume lv1 (inside vg1) , OK

-- now every time i go back out into the 'encrypt volumes' section
   and tell it to encrypt /dev/sda6 which is / the root, which it does
   encrypt it,  and i get back out in the parent menu, the "/" is lost
and of course at this time choosing 'Finish' or 'Done with this
partition' is  no use since the ultimate result is seeing the famous
   'no root file system is defined'

   at that point, I wish I could delete the lv1 and vg1 and
   start over again in the partitioning section
   of the process or maybe do something else ... but no such luck
   it would not let me and had to power-down the system
   and start from scratch to try something else ......

thank you,

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