On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 06:52:37AM -0400, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:
> As far as I know, sync doesn't work in the background !

On many systems, it does.  I can't even find a clear statement in the
bullseye sync(1) man page of whether it does or not.

The bullseye sync(1) comes from GNU coreutils 8.32.

Googling turns up a different sync(8) page,
<https://linux.die.net/man/8/sync> which says:

  On Linux, sync is only guaranteed to schedule the dirty blocks for
  writing; it can actually take a short time before all the blocks are
  finally written. The reboot(8) and halt(8) commands take this into
  account by sleeping for a few seconds after calling sync(2).

That man page claims to be from fileutils-4.0.

On bullseye, sync(2) says:

       According to the standard specification  (e.g.,  POSIX.1-2001),  sync()
       schedules the writes, but may return before the actual writing is done.
       However Linux waits for I/O completions, and thus  sync()  or  syncfs()
       provide the same guarantees as fsync() called on every file in the sys‐
       tem or filesystem respectively.

So, even on Linux systems, it would appear the behavior has varied
over time.  On non-Linux systems, I would expect a high probability
that the sync(8) or sync(1) command returns immediately, without
waiting for the synchronization to complete.

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