At least Debian works better in this old Mac best of all else I've tried.
Debian is very instructive, which in itself is an argument to use it for a
newbie in IT & Linux.
And level of patience, respect & even humility is a bit higher here than
the smaller, also quick response, helpsite I used in another Linux distro.
That bit is necessary for me to keep focus.

On Wed, 4 Aug 2021, 22:03 Steve Litt, <> wrote:

> Hi Gunnar,
> Gnome depends very much on systemd, and probably vice versa. It doesn't
> surprise me at all that Debian doesn't work without Gnome, or at least
> without a lot of hoop-jumping.
> You might want to try Devuan, which is basically Debian without
> systemd, and then use a window manager or desktop environment that is
> not Gnome. I think Devuan's default is XFCE.
> Steve Litt
> Gunnar Gervin said on Wed, 4 Aug 2021 11:11:49 +0300
> >I forgot to tell:
> >The machine got some crisis because I removed Gnome desktop in a some
> >wrong way in root in Terminal;
> ># apt remove task-gnome-desktop
> >
> >Please advice how tide up again.
> >Gunnar

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