On Fri, Aug 06, 2021 at 12:39:59PM -0400, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:
No it's not the opposite problem.
If the list become moderated or at least controlled in some way then it
would prevent outsider (people not registered on the mailing list) from
send mail onto the list.

Except, we do control the list, by banning people. Banned people cannot
send mail to the list.

Now even if you ban someone, it just need that they create another
address and send a message for it to appear on the list.

Yes that is true. But it is not what is happening.

What is happening (well, what happened once... I don't know if it's more
common) is that someone who cannot post to the list, got their content
onto the list, by an innocent bystander (you) accidentally quoting their
off-list, private mail, onto the list.
Moderating the list would not prevent that, because you would presumably
be subscribed and able to post.  (If by "moderating" you mean "only list
subscribers can post to the list").

Rendering banning pretty much useless for preventing people from writing

Despite the fact that yes, people can circumvent address-based bans, the
current approach is working remarkably effectively, IMHO.

We *do* moderate some Debian lists. I am a volunteer moderator for one
of them (although, I haven't participated in moderation for months.)

Please do not CC me for listmail.

👱🏻      Jonathan Dowland
✎        j...@debian.org
🔗       https://jmtd.net

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