
On 2021-08-06 5:10 p.m., Gunnar Gervin wrote:
> Admin of list:
> Please remove me from the list.
If you want to be removed, then you can unsubscribe.
The procedure is found at the same place you found information on how to

I don't the the manager of this list does take the time to read all the
mailing lists of Debian.
> If you don't, I'll spam you. Why?
> A person accused me of trolling. Which I'm not sure what is. Flooding,
I'll remind yourself that even you, at some point looked back at the
messages you've sent and said "What a mess".


It is appreciated that you now seem to be taking time to write text that
can easily be understood.

I'm pretty sure that if you would have took the time to write concise
and clear message like this all the time, then you experience would have
been different.

> spamming, attention seeking? He could just as well said "*f* off" , just
> saying. So I'm off this list, doubt I'll return.
> I dislike slandering; vulnerable
> due to psychopath in childhood, isolation, & cos people are afraid &
> tense these times. Guess he was a bit quick on it...
> Hostile, Judgemental, non- inclusive. Don't need those cultures in my
I believe everyone here acted in good faith.

Taking time to explain what felt like being the wrong way and what could
be done if you wanted some more help.

To all questions you posted, you received at least two or three
different answer, with different solutions.

> life, sir, sorry to tell you off this harshly. Going to other helpsite
> if necessary. Like pointed before, in duckduckgo & Google I can find
> most answers.
> My responsibilty is my health.
> BR,
> Gunnar Gervin.
Good luck in you learning.
Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
-Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

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