On Sat 07 Aug 2021 at 11:07:01 -0400, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2021-08-07 11:00 a.m., Brian wrote:
> > On Sat 07 Aug 2021 at 10:02:36 -0400, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:
> > 
> > [Snipping]
> > 
> >> *Dider*: There's some similarities between this dude and two others 
> >> troller.
> > 
> > didier gaumet said more than that. He said:
> > 
> >   > I can give no evidence but chances are that Gunnar Gervin,
> >   > Rishi and roa moshin (non-limitative list) are the same
> >   > troll: there are troubling similarities...
> > 
> > No justification and smearing the reputations of three users into the
> > bargaing. "Assume good faith" says the Code of Conduct. Quite the
> > opposite is on view in this thread.
> > 
> *good faith* ? Publish a passport on a public mailing list ?

This really got to you, didn't it :). So much so you had to omit "Assume"
from "Assume good faith" to make a very dubious point. "Assume good faith"
is directed at you (and me).

> I don't consider this something that is both responsible AND helpful.
> >> *Dude*: You have no proof it's me
> > 
> > That's correct. No evidence. The theory presented doesn't merit a
> > second glance.
> > 
> >> *Dude*: You have no proof it's me... I post someone's Passport ID page.
> >> *Me*: Posting a passport id page is a criminal offense in most countries
> >> AND doesn't proof much, except maybe that you'd be dumb to post your own.
> >> *Greg* says : That's a for of guilt admission, not saying "I didn't do
> >> it" but saying "No proof".
> >> *Me* : Exactly, it's not a court of law here. So it's not about proof
> >> but about what will people get from what you say.
> >> *and now the best*
> >> *Irrelevant writer* : This is a acting mob looking for a lynch.
> > 
> > Irrelevant? That hurt! I will have to go for a lie down for the
> > remainder of the afternoon. :)
> *You can go lie down if you feel tired* I'm not your wife to police what
> you do of your day.

You are making assumptions agian.


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