Curt (12021-08-12):
> Certainly. But you did volunteer to comment on a conflictual discussion
> between a mere pair of users, both of whom violated the Debian mailing
> list rules. Of these two violations, why you chose to call out the
> innocuous one, for which a reasonable explanation was given, however
> misguided, while ignoring the morally serious infraction (rendering a
> private matter public), is left as the traditional exercise.

Since you are trying to turn this discussion into a trial against me, I
will clarify a few things.

I had forgotten that the mailing-list rules state clearly to complain in
private, and I have neglected this rule by mistake. I apologize for it.

Nonetheless, there are a few details in your accusations that need to be
set straight:

- The two rules are on exactly the same level in. You choose to call one
  innocuous and the other morally serious. This is your judgement, not
  universal. What we can objectively say is that one came first, and was

- If you read carefully, I did not complain of being CCed. Anybody can
  forget to edit the headers before sending, I wound not have complained
  for so little. In fact, I did not complained, I advised:
  Ms Racicot-Summerside did not CC by mistake, she purposefully overrode
  a reply-to header, it is a mistake that can have more severe
  consequences than an extraneous CC, including replies getting lost or
  arriving where they should definitely not arrive. The purpose of my
  mail was not to complain, it was to advise.

I will ask you, if you want to continue piling accusations and reproach
over me, to at least have your facts straight.

That being said, I am sure I will now remember that this kind of mail is
to be sent in private, and I apologize again for forgetting and thus
wasting everybody's time in a useless discussion that has already been
too long.

My next mail in this thread will be to give an account of the
configuration of the printer, but it will have to wait a little that I
have upgraded the relevant host to Bullseye.


  Nicolas George

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