On Sun, 15 Aug 2021 20:13:55 +0200 (CEST)
Roger Price <deb...@rogerprice.org> wrote:

> man synaptic says « It allows you to perform all actions of the
> command line tool apt-get in a graphical environemnt. »
> In the help manual I read « Reload the package information to be
> aware of the latest versions available: »
> Does this mean that synaptic does _not_ call apt update, and that I
> should always run apt update manually before clicking on synaptic?
> Some experiments suggest that this is the case.

No idea if things have changed recently, but I have in the past used
Synaptic to do routine upgrades. That simply wouldn't work if it didn't
update first, presumably when it starts up.

If you were to leave Synaptic running on unstable all day and wanted to
fully upgrade at the end of the day, it would be wise to use Reload


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