On 2021-08-15 4:31 p.m., Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 15, 2021 at 10:13:07PM +0300, Gunnar Gervin wrote:
>> Hi.
>> After I put EFI in sda1 Refracta installer was not satisfied and told me to
>> put 'boot installer' in, and write some (unspecified) text in fstab, but
>> wasn't in ETC.
>> How and what to write in fstab?
>> You tell me to specify question.
>> How to specify a total mess?
>> I'm trying to put a (Debian fork), Devuan x86_64 installed, in a ssd 1T
>> external drive connected with usb to my old Mac (with dual boot Linux mint
>> i386 -works, but cannot Zoom/Skype) +Devuan('boots' blinking ? only).
>> After installed x86_64 almost finished with gdisk, Refracta asks me to put
>> in 'boot installer'. I thought it was EFI(, that I put in sda1) ?
>> Saw a message:
>> "Efi not supported." In Devuan(?).
>> But Mint said it would only EFI it,
>> & then it worked. But only in 32b.
>> Debian and Devuan obviously don't mix with Mint. And vice versa. Why not,
>> really? You can learn around Efi & Grub from each other. Now you're both
>> leaving it all up to Rod Smith.
>> But to me it seems a bit too much for 1 man/team. Is Linux necessary to be
>> such a mess ?
> Gunnar,
> If Devuan don't support EFI, they don't support EFI - but that's off-topic
> here anyway. As with all Debian derivatives, they do things differently -
> our efforts here can only ever be best endeavors
> Refracta is not a Debian installer. Nor is rEFInd
> Debian Mint is a Debian derviative. Go and ask there. It's quite possible that
> they won't have any clue about your Mac either. (Although they are clueful
> folks, they have fewer developers to go round). See above re. Debian 
> derivatives.
> Linux isn't a mess. Trying to mix distributions is, especially on minimal
> knowledge / slightly obscure hardware.
> If you can bear to start again and clear what you have - delete what you've
> done so far:
>>From among the installers for Debian Bullseye yesterday:
> Try first:
> https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-cd/debian-mac-11.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso
> [NOTE: This is the installer optimised for early Mac]
> Else:
> https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/current/amd64/iso-cd/firmware-11.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso
> [The unofficial non-free image that also contains firmware]
> Very exceptionally: try the Debian multi-arch image but come back here before
> you do. [That's in case you have 32 bit EFI and 64 bit capable processor -
> like Intel Bay Trail, I think - some few years ago].
> Keep notes as you go. Try and raise single issues - it'll help.
> All the very best, as ever,
I'd like to have as much patience you do ;-)
> Andy Cater

Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
-Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

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