On 8/18/21, songbird <songb...@anthive.com> wrote:
>   let's suppose you have a directory where there are
> various scripts, libraries, programs, data, etc.
>   you want to know exactly which other scripts, libraries,
> etc. use them and to log each caller to know the name so
> it can be tracked down (location would be nice too, but
> that could be found later if needed).
>   i don't need to keep the information in a database as
> just having the log file will be enough.
>   how would you do this?
>   this isn't a homework assignment i'm just curious how
> easy or hard this would be to accomplish.

I don't have an answer. I just wanted to say I wasn't thinking of
school work as I read this. I was thinking more like... paranoia, lol!

Not in a "bad" way but in a system protecting way. With everything
that's going on about hacking and cracking, knowing what's calling
what sounds like a nice, SANITY enabling idea. Bonus points if it can
be taught to throw out alerts about any unusual calls once a
longstanding "normal" pattern is discerned.

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed *

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