On 2021-08-21 9:01 p.m., Emanuel Berg wrote:
> Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:
>> Maybe you are playing in something you don't really master
>> the ins and out of the consequence of what you may do.
>> And this is proven by the simple sentence that *hibernation
>> cut Internet*. Unless you have a good reason to risk frying
>> your CPU then leave it alone.
> Oh, I meant to post this to the Debian user ML, not
> alt.os.linux ...
How's that supposed to be relevant as a comment ?

You did post it to Debian mailing list. Did I suggest you didn't ?

>> Or buy a system that doesn't use a fan, like the low power,
>> low thermal emission CPU used in laptop with only passive
>> cooling (heatsink).
> I had an RPi3 once and it was completely quiet, at least to
> the human ear - no fan. But as you see (the HDD and projector)
> while I used it, the fans were on anyway. But for some reason
> when you use a computer, that noise don't bug you ...
>   https://dataswamp.org/~incal/work-photos/rpi.jpg
You are comparing different things with no link between each other.

One (RPi) is a CPU meant for using mostly a heat sink and running at low
power, being able to modulate the speed based on load and using low
power consumption.

And the other one CPU (Intel/AMD made for desktop) is a CPU meant to be
cooled with a fan and produce much more thermal power per watt.

You compare something running with a USB power supply versus something
requiring hundred of watts of power.

Raspberry Pi power consumption

Idle    260 mA (*1.4 W*)
ab -n 100 -c 10 (uncached)      480 mA (*2.4 W*)
400% CPU load (stress --cpu 4)  730 mA (*3.7 W*)



Core i7-860     Lynnfield (45 nm)       2.8 GHz *95 W*
Core i7-860S    Lynnfield (45 nm)       2.533 GHz       *82 W*
Core i7-870     Lynnfield (45 nm)       2.933 GHz       *95 W*
Core i7-875K    Lynnfield (45 nm)       2.93 GHz        *95 W*
Core i7-880     Lynnfield (45 nm)       3.067 GHz       *95 W*
Core i7-920     Bloomfield (45 nm)      2.667 GHz       *130 W*
Core i7-930     Bloomfield (45 nm)      2.8 GHz *130 W*
Core i7-940     Bloomfield (45 nm)      2.933 GHz       *130 W*



Intel Atom is a series of Ultra Low Voltage processors made for
ultraportables called "netbooks" and ultra small form factor desktops
called "nettops". Because of their low clock speed, Intel Atom CPUs are
highly energy efficient. Atom's microarchitecture is unique from other
Intel CPUs. Certain Atom CPUs have Hyper-Threading.

Atom 230        Diamondville (45 nm)    1.6 GHz *4 W*
Atom 330 (Dual-Core)    Diamondville (45 nm)    1.6 GHz *8 W*
Atom N270       Diamondville (45 nm)    1.6 GHz *2.5 W*
Atom N280       Diamondville (45 nm)    1.67 GHz        *2.5 W*
Atom D410       Pineview (45 nm)        1.66 GHz        *10 W*
Atom D510 (Dual-Core)   Pineview (45 nm)        1.66 GHz        *13 W*
Atom D525 (Dual-Core)   Pineview (45 nm)        1.8 GHz *13 W*


Laptop i5 (with a fan + heat sink)

Core i5-6500T   Skylake (14 nm) 2.5 GHz [Turbo 3.1 GHz] *35 W*
Core i5-6300HQ  Skylake (14 nm) 2.3 GHz [Turbo 3.2 GHz] *45 W*
Core i5-6300HQ  Skylake (14 nm) 2.3 GHz [Turbo 3.2 GHz] *45 W*
Core i5-6350HQ  Skylake (14 nm) 2.3 GHz [Turbo 3.2 GHz] *45 W*
Core i5-6440HQ  Skylake (14 nm) 2.6 GHz [Turbo 3.5 GHz] *45 W*
Core i5-6600T   Skylake (14 nm) 2.7 GHz [Turbo 3.5 GHz] *35 W*

> So there is no way of disabling the 120/140 mm fans that are
> connected to the motherboard from software? Maybe prolong the
> cables and have little physical switches (to cut power), if
> such things are marketed ...

The speed of your fan are set according to a thermal sensor.

If they are really loud than maybe either they are dirty or the thermal
sensor could be failing and this would make them run at full power all
the time. Other than this, they are happy as they are.

They sell desktop computer built using laptop CPU if you want something
silent. But those are pretty limited as a matter of CPU power because
CPU power means using watt of power to drive it. And those watts have to
go somewhere and this is called heat.

Maybe there's a reason why there's a hardware fan and it can't be turned
off. And that there's some safety that prevent you from frying your
system. Don't you think ? Or is it simply that you believe that we are
mostly just enjoying having a fan in the PC ?

Your computer doesn't produce nothing as mechanical work. All the energy
is converted into heat, it's somewhat only a really non efficient
heater. Energy doesn't get lost, if it's not producing mechanical work
then it means it's getting converted to heat (and some to light for the
blinking light). Calculation or whatever else is done (it's all
calculation at basic level) doesn't exist in physics, that's only
electricity running thru tiny wire and producing heat thru resistivity.

That's called "Ohm Law", the same law goes on for your electric toaster
or your coffee machine (unless is petroleum fuel that drive you coffee
machine, if so *cool*).

> Because this
>   #! /bin/zsh
>   # https://dataswamp.org/~incal/conf/.zsh/misc-hw
>   temperature () {
>       local gpu=$(sensors -j | jq -a 
> '.["nouveau-pci-0100"].temp1.temp1_input')
>       local cpu=$(sensors -j | jq -a '.["k10temp-pci-00c3"].Tdie.temp1_input')
>       echo "GPU ${gpu}C"
>       echo "cpu ${cpu}C"
>   }
> outputs the CPU and GPU temperature, one could downgrade the
> fans gradually and see what good they do - especially when one
> isn't using the computer ...

Even if one ain't using the computer. You seem to forget that has long
your computer is running, there's a load of background task running,
some requiring more or less processing power.

And you've been complaining that you loose network connection when going
idle, so if you keep network connection this could also mean there would
be incoming connection.

*Good luck*
Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
-Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

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