On 2021-08-22 at 10:46, Tristan Miller wrote:

> Dear all,
> On my bullseye system, it doesn't seem to be possible to install both 
> kodi and gnome-control-center as they conflict with each other.  (See 
> below for what happens when I've got kodi installed and then try to 
> install gnome-control-center.)

> # apt install gnome-control-center

> The following packages will be REMOVED:
>    gstreamer1.0-libav kodi kodi-bin kodi-inputstream-adaptive 

I don't have either package installed, but if I try to install both in
the same command line, I don't get a failure. As such, I'm guessing this
may just be a dependency-resolver issue.

What happens if you instead run

$ apt install kodi gnome-control-center

? You should either get a success (via different resolution of the
dependencies, which doesn't consider omitting either of the two to be an
acceptable solution) or an error which may help us narrow down the problem.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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