I just dist-upgraded against testing, and after the upgrade, MPlayer
started to report

> Audio device got stuck!

over and over again (about once or twice a second, I think) during
playback of any file with audio, while not actually producing any
audible sound.

The solution to this turns out to be to kill (and, thus, implicitly
restart) the user-specific PulseAudio daemon:

$ pulseaudio --kill

With that done, MPlayer works fine again. (What I found in searching the
Web for the solution seems to indicate that other audio-using programs
would have had the same problem.)

What puzzles me is that none of the packages I saw listed for the
upgrade which triggered this seem related to PulseAudio, either directly
or in any obvious indirect way.

I'd like to figure out which package(s) were involved, so I can know
what packages I may need to do this again for future upgrades of.
However, I'm not managing to think of any reasonable way to identify

Can anyone suggest a reasonable way to identify the full stack of
packages which pulseaudio (or, for that matter, any designated package)
depends on, either directly or indirectly?

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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