I have not received a response yet, but I am hoping.

What I know:

-sound works as root, not as user

-snd_oxygen module (required driver for my card) is loaded, but I can't verify what is loading it.  no messages in dmesg show it being loaded

-since snd_oxygen is loaded, it makes sense that aplay works as root

-pulse does not show the sound card, but does show the hdmi audio on my nvidia card, and the microphone on my web cam.  Both are muted in pavucontrol

-big question:  why doesn't sound card get loaded by pulseaudio ?  How can I force that

-I am now going over every occurrence of a pulseaudio configuration file on my system for a clue

Any help appreciated.  Is there a good troubleshoot procedure for debian/11/bullseye sound problems ?

On 8/24/21 3:05 PM, James D Freels wrote:

I am a long-time debian user, and just recently upgraded my buster amd64 machine to bullseye.  Essentially everything works as expected so far.  However, one very nagging problem I currently have is that my sound does not work unless I am rooted.  For example, if I issue the command

aplay bark.au

where bark.au is a snippet sound file of a dog barking, it fails. However, if I issue the command

sudo aplay bark.au

it works fine.  Similar sound playing occurs with any sound-playing app.  For example mpg123, vlc, etc., all require a sudo or be logged in as root to work.

I have looked all around the WWW to try to find a solution to this problem.  The most common solution is to make sure that user ids are in the audio group in the /etc/group configuration file. Of course, I have that, and have confirmed it.  This is not a brand new installation after all, but an upgrade.

Other common remedies I have tried are to fiddle with the pavucontrol and alsamixer settings.   My sound card does not show up in the pavucontrol (pulse doesn't find my sound card), but DOES show up in the alsamixer.

I have also looked at the debian sound wiki, and other sources to try to fix this problem.

Then, I remembered that I often used this form to learn about debian way back in the days when I first started using debian about 1994 or so.  Perhaps I can get some expert help.  Maybe a source I can go down a list of troubleshoot to nail this one down.  It is obviously a permissions issue (I also looked at device permissions, etc.).

Just a bit puzzled and frustrated.


BTW, my sound card is a C-Media, Xonor DG with chip set CMI8788 and uses the oxygen HD audio driver.

lspci -v output corresponding:

05:02.0 Multimedia audio controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CMI8788 [Oxygen HD Audio]
        Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. CMI8786 (Xonar DG)
        Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 22, NUMA node 0
        I/O ports at e800 [size=256]
        Capabilities: [c0] Power Management version 2
        Kernel driver in use: snd_oxygen
        Kernel modules: snd_oxygen

Nothing has changed with the hardware, and I know the setup works.  This seems to be a permissions/software issue.

Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away
from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.

Luke 22:42 NLT

James D. Freels, Ph.D., P.E.
865-457-6742 (landline)
865-919-0320 (cell)

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