On a new HP Laptop pre-installed with Win10 Home edition installed on an 
SSD. In the laptop's BIOS Secure Boot was turned off.

   A fresh copy of Debian 11 was installed into the machine's 1TB HD. After 
reboot, GRUB comes up normally and Linux works fine.

   But once Windows is chosen from GRUB Windows overwrites the MBR and on 
subsequent boots GRUB has been disappeared and the machine boots straight into 
Windows every time.

   Question: How can Windows be lobotomized to stop it from overwriting the 
MBR and doing this behavior?

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, 
in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who 
are cold and are not clothed." -- 5 star General and US President Dwight D. 
Eisenhower, 1953, just a few months after taking office -- a time when the 
economy was booming and unemployment was 2.7 percent.

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