Thank you all for the help. Edwardo's mnemonic is a great help. So is
the rest of the information. As to the BackupPC configuration change.
While it is possible to redirect the backup in the config file, it is
specifically not recommended. Not sure why.
Thanks again.
Gary R.
On 8/29/21 5:34 PM, David Christensen wrote:
On 8/29/21 4:59 PM, Gary L. Roach wrote:
Hi all,
I don't have occasion to use links very often and tend to get
confused as to which direction the link is pointing. Specifically, I
am trying to redirect backuppc files from the normal
/var/lib/backuppc directory to another disk mounted at /media/Backup,
a 1TB disk that is not being used. I wrote "ln -s /var/lib/backuppcÂ
/media/Backup". This produced "backuppc -> /var/lib/backuppc" on the
1TB disk. The problem is that I now have duplicate files in both
places. Specifically the cpool, log, pc, and pool directories appear
on both drives. This is obviously not what I want. I need the pool
files on the Backup disk and not on my system disk. What have I done
Sincerely appreciated any help.
Gary R
Rather than trying to symlink the backup repository directory out from
underneath backuppc (which could lead to confusion and disaster in the
future when you have forgotten about the symlink), can you change a
backuppc configuration setting so that the backups are put where you
want them?