Ok I am kind of getting what goes wrong. First configure boot options to usb in 
bios setting as usual. 

Then do rebooting. After the screen displays HP logo, pressing esc button, 
which will again enter the bios seting or that kind of screen but it will ask 
(the screen will display) with several options, such as

continuous boot
boot options
bios setup

Then this time, pressing continuous boot or something similar (sorry can't 
remember the name, but it's at the first option). Now it enters to normal boot 
process where lovely debian installer asks me to install or use gui blah blah

It also possible my iso did not burn correctly. I did rebrun iso to usb using 
etcher, which seemingly do validation step. 

Anyway, hopesĀ  this trivial info may be of help to someone who also runs into 
some annoying issues (not debian side) similar like mine. 


Sep 3, 2021, 15:46 by sterbl...@tutanota.com:

> I purchased a new laptop HP Elitebook 840 G8, and am trying to install Debian 
> to it. However I encounter a problem. 
> I change the bios setting, but when booting from usb. What was shown on the 
> screen is simply a grub env command line like
> grub>
> instead of a traditional debian install screen which may describe whether to 
> install with GUI or standard mode (non gui). I've repeated installing from 
> netinstall iso many times, but I had never run into such situation. So 
> actually I am stocked. I don't know that's because of UEFI or because the iso 
> burn to usb stick problem (but I check the usb I can see setup.exe, and those 
> bootable files as usual w/t a problem). 
> The netinstall iso is downloaded from [1]. Is it expected now to install 
> debian from grub? Or maybe because the iso I download is broken? 
> I am scratching my head. So I appreciate any comments or suggestions. Thanks!
> [1]. > 
> https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/11.0.0+nonfree/amd64/iso-cd/firmware-11.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso

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