Roberto C. Sánchez <> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 03, 2021 at 08:03:23AM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

>> Out of curiosity, I checked my system to see if there were any system
>> users with home directories under /home.  The only one I found is "ntp".
>> Then I looked at the ntp.postinst script, and it has this:
>> adduser --system --quiet --ingroup ntp --no-create-home --home /nonexistent 
>> ntp
>> So presumably my ntp user with /home/ntp as its home directory is from
>> an older Debian release, and if it had been created under bullseye, it
>> would look different.
> How old is your system?  I just checked a machine that I initially as a
> Woody (3.0) system in 2001 and there is no ntp user directory under
> /home.

I have a system that was installed as either Slink (2.1) or Potato (2.2)
and then kept on Unstable ever since.

I *do* have 


I don't have the directories, though. (Might have gotten lost over the
years, though.)

So there was a time in the past when system users home dirs were created in 


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