On Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 11:51:07AM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> On Fri 10 Sep 2021 at 16:05:26 (+0100), Adam Weremczuk wrote:
> > Would it be possible for another host to log to syslog without a prior
> > explicit manual configuration allowing that?
> If you make a telephone call on speaker, and you have a tape recorder
> in the room recording the conversation, the speaker at the other end
> of the call doesn't need to have permission for their words to be
> recorded on /your/ tape.
> When you commence your call, both you and the person at the other end
> probably exchange some pleasantries, which confirm that you're both
> who you say you are. These all get recorded too.
> Ssh is no different.

This analogy confuses me.  The question is whether syslogd (the listening
process) accepts remote syslog() requests by default.  I'm pretty sure
that some of the syslogd implementations don't.  Maybe some do.

It's not clear which syslogd the OP is using.  It's not even clear to me
what *operating system* they're using, since their systemctl status output
has at least one line that mine (bullseye) does not have.

Also... it's not really important what the defaults are.  What's important
is how syslogd is actually configured on the OP's system.

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