
12 sept. 2021, 12:45 de bouncingc...@gmail.com:

> Also, as an additional confirmation ...
> On the above bug page:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=958402
> the second link is the package name "sudo", which goes to
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?package=sudo
> where under the heading
> "Resolved bugs -- Normal bugs"
> the bug number 958402 is shown with a strikethrough font
> (ie it has a horizontal line through the digits).
Yes, thank you David.

12 sept. 2021, 13:42 de a...@cityscape.co.uk:

> A good tip. However, a point to bear in mind is that Resolved bugs are
> only visible for a few months (3?, 6?) after being closed.
Actually, it appears they get archived after some time.

You can access them by appending "&archive=yes" to the URL of the package on 
the BTS.

For example regarding sudo package:
Best regards,

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