On 10/2/21 07:51, Alex wrote:
> Hello
> I found a bug and do not know if it belongs to the package libreoffice
> or apparmor!
> When I want to send a document directly by E-mail in libreoffice, it
> doesn't work. I started libreoffice --calc in a shell and choose File->
> sned -> send document as e-mail, i got an error message in the shell:
> /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/senddoc: 62: file: Permission denied
> /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/senddoc: 70: /usr/bin/thunderbird:
> Permission denied
> I do some debugging (echo before line 62) and found out that it starts
> /usr/bin/thunderbird
> When I uninstall appamor (aa-disable /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.thunderbird
> doesn't be suffisent), the message Permission denied disappears.
> In the documentation, I read that every package has it's own profile for
> apparmor shipped in. Therefor my problem.
The bug, if any, should be for LibreOffice. The behavior is a feature of
Apparmor and other Mandatory Access Control modules like SELinux and
possibly others, for which the default is to deny any access for which
there is no rule allowing it.

Tom Dial
> Thank you
> Al

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