On Sat, 9 Oct 2021 10:41:53 -0400,
Dan Ritter<d...@randomstring.org> wrote:

>Andreas Rönnquist wrote: 
>> I have massive problems with my Logitech M705 - Or specifically with
>> the left mouse button. Sometimes (very often) singleclick becomes
>> double-click, dragging items is very hard, it drops the drag before I
>> release the mouse button. Clicking on the terminal icon in my xfce
>> panel often starts three terminals. The weird thing is that mouse
>> movement and the mousewheel works just fine. No problls. The weird
>> thing is that mouse movement andems there of any
>> kind.
>> On my latest boot of the system, it looked to me like the button
>> acted normally for about one minute, but then the usual crap started
>> happening again, so I assume that the mouse hardware is fine. (I have
>> also tried another mouse - same behaviour).  
>I see this problem with Logitech wireless pointer products
>(mouse, trackball...) when the distance between the USB receiver
>and the pointing device is marginal or partially blocked. That
>includes a distance of less than one meter where the USB
>receiver is blocked by metal in the computer's case from seeing
>the mouse.
>If you get a USB extension cable or otherwise relocate the USB
>receiver so that it is closer and has unblocked line of sight to
>the mouse, I suspect your problem will go away.


Thanks - I have tried with both lowering the range between the mouse to
the receiver, but that doesn't help (It's at about 30 cm now) - in fact,
it is the same if I swap to a corded mouse (Also logitech, if that would
matter). Really frustrating stuff. Sometimes it goes away, and I think
the problem is solved, but without exception, the problem comes back
(within minutes).

It could be that both those mice are indeed broken - but to me that
seems unlikely (I won't rule it out though).

Testing with yet another mouse (non Logitech) the problem is gone.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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