On Mon, Oct 11, 2021, 7:31 AM Gokan Atmaca <linux.go...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello
> I am using openldap. I configured a different server as ldap client.
> When I say "id user", the information comes. I have two organized
> units. "people" and "groups". my test environment.  But I can't login.
> What could be causing the problem?

The immediate reason for the failure should be found in the sshd logs in
/var. But the trick with LDAP for login authentication is this:

(1) Make sure the services file is stepping thru the authentication
databases in the order you believe is correct.
(2) make sure name resolution is doing what you think it's doing.
(3) Make sure that clock time is synchronized across all servers involved
in that login and authentication.

> $ id gokhan (ldap_user)
> uid=10000(gokhan) gid=2000(ob) groups=2000(ob)
> Thanks.
> --
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