On Mon, Nov 08, 2021 at 08:15:47AM +0100, Yoann LE BARS wrote:
> Hello, everybody out there!
>       I am running Debian stable (Bullseye). Now, it turns out I need to use 
> some
> new version of Musescore and Ardour–because of few bugs and several
> functionalities I need. As these applications are available as flatpaks, I
> can easily use them. The trouble is, to be able to use flatpaks with Jack, I
> have to use Pipewire. As Pipewire is quite recent, I probably would rather
> use some recent version of Pipewire.
>       As far as I know, Pipewire is not available on Backports:
> https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=pipewire&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all
>       Is there a way to use some recent version of Pipewire with Debian 
> stable?
>       Best regards.

I aknow this amounts to heresy saying this in a debian ML
The easiest way to get a current version of pipewire is
to install fedora core.


Henning Follmann           | hfollm...@itcfollmann.com

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