On Sun 07 Nov 2021 at 08:58:23 (-0500), Stefan Monnier wrote:
> didier gaumet [2021-11-07 03:16:12] wrote:
> > Le mardi 26 octobre 2021 à 09:25 -0400, Stefan Monnier a écrit :
> > [...]
> >> Think of it this way: currently, you can more or less figure out
> >> which
> >> packages you decided to install on your machine by going through the
> >> list
> >> of installed packages and filtering out all those that are marked as
> >> "automatically" installed.
> >> 
> >> But you can only manipulate this list indirectly, via `apt install`
> >> and
> >> `apt remove`.
> >
> > to have the list of all automatically installed packages:
> > # apt-mark showauto
> >
> > to have the list of all manually installed packages:
> > # apt-mark showmanual
> >
> > to verify if the package PACKAGE have been automatically installed
> > # apt-mark showauto $PACKAGE
> >
> > to verify if the package PACKAGE have been manually installed
> > # apt-mark showmanual $PACKAGE
> I'm not sure exactly what you mean to say with the above.
> Of course, we can extract some kind of description of the current state
> with APT commands, but it's quite different from having it inside a text
> file that you edit.
> The differences include:
> - The list is "in your face".  When I look at `apt-mark showmanual`, for
>   about half of the packages I vaguely remember explicitly installing
>   them at some point but don't need them any more, others I'm pretty sure
>   I never (consciously) installed manually.

I look at the list of packages I actually installed by using the
command (that I keep up my sleeve):

$ zgrep -i -h -e commandline $(reverse $(sort99 /var/log/apt/history*)) | \
  grep -v -e 'upgrade$' -e 'autoremove$' | \
  sed -e 's/Commandline: apt-get -o APT::Status-Fd=4 -o APT::Keep-Fds::=5 -o 
APT::Keep-Fds::=6 -q -y --no-remove/[d-i]/;s/Commandline: apt-get -o 
APT::Status-Fd=4 -o APT::Keep-Fds::=5 -o APT::Keep-Fds::=6 
-q/[d-i]/;s/Commandline: apt-get -y/[bas]/;s/Commandline: apt-get/[man]/;' | \

(Sorry about the long line.)

It does depend on having sufficient history:

$ grep -A1 log /etc/logrotate.d/apt
/var/log/apt/term.log {
  rotate 60
/var/log/apt/history.log {
  rotate 60

The reverse() and sort99() just deal with the sort-order of rotated
logs¹, grep removes uninteresting commands, and the sed filter tidies
the output by taking advantage of the stereotype commands used at
various stages: the installer, my personal list of "base" packages,
and later, casual installs.²

It's not the neatest output, but it would be simple to edit into
a file that could replicate a system, or act as the basis for
installing a new system from the next Debian revision. It certainly
saves having to remember to update my Christensen-style machine log
every time I install a package.

> - The list file naturally lends itself to extensions:
>   - It could contain comments, so you could easily remove a package but
>     keeping a note about it so it's easy to re-add.
>   - It could contain conditional elements, so the same file could be
>     used on different machines that need slightly different
>     packages installed.
>   - It could contain additional information per package, such as whether
>     to install the recommended dependencies, some config information so you
>     don't get queried during install, some file renamings, a list of
>     "overrides" (to ignore a specific dependency and/or allow installing
>     officially mutually-exclusive packages), ...
> It fundamentally changes the way you think about it, I think.
> >> In contrast, with NixOS/Guix that list is available in a plain text
> >> editable file. 

I'm not sure I'd call scheme a "plain text". Or do you mean something
other than the file that commences with:

      ;; ...

> > in Debian there is /var/lib/apt/extended_states
> Not a fun read, tho.  AFAICT it's just a verbose way to keep the set of
> not-manually-installed packages, so it includes all the info I want to
> be implicit ;-)
> Also, regarding "editable", I suspect that if you edit this file by hand
> and introduce an error in there you're probably not going to get much
> support ;-)

I would agree. I did post a script last year that attempted to
construct a list of top-level packages using dpkg-query. (It could be
improved, I'm sure, by someone who knows their way around apt and dpkg
introspection better than I do.) But it's obviously easier to
construct/maintain a list of packages intentionally installed
than to guess/"deduce" it from manipulation of the system's package
list and dependencies.

> > Perhaps (not sure) comparing on each machine the results of 
> > # apt-cache unmet
> > could give you valuable info
> Thanks, I didn't know about this one.

I'd not met unmet either. I'm not sure whether it meets any
requirement for me. For example, it tells me:

Package parl-desktop-world version 1.9.18 has an unmet dep:
 Depends: firefox-esr-l10n-as
 Depends: firefox-esr-l10n-en-za
 Depends: firefox-esr-l10n-mai
 Depends: firefox-esr-l10n-ml
 Depends: firefox-esr-l10n-or

I don't think I'm a member of the constituency that finds this useful.
It seems to examine the entire distribution rather than just the part
that's installed here.

reverse () 
    [ -z "$1" ] && printf '%s\n' "Usage:        ${FUNCNAME[0]} arguments ...
        returns the arguments in reverse order. (Don't specify TOO many!)
        eg, less \$(${FUNCNAME[0]} filenames*)" 1>&2 && return 1;
    local j Filelist=("$@");
    for ((j=${#Filelist[@]}; j>0; j-=1))
        printf '%s\n' "${Filelist[j-1]}";
sort99 () 
    [ -z "$1" ] && printf '%s\n' "Usage:        ${FUNCNAME[0]} prefixNsuffix ...
        returns the arguments in numerical order of the unique embedded digits,
        which can include one item lacking any N. (Don't specify TOO many!)
        eg, less \$(${FUNCNAME[0]} logfilename*)" 1>&2 && return 1;
    local j Filelist Filenumber;
    for j in "$@";
        Filenumber="$(tr -c -d '[:digit:]' <<<"$j")";
        [[ $Filenumber = "" ]] && Filenumber=0;
    printf '%s\n' "${Filelist[@]}"

² My list of "base" packages uses "-y install", as it's a script.


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